Thursday, March 26, 2009

The elusive cheesecake

For those of you who are already fans of the humble cheesecake, this will prove to be most exciting.

A friend of mine (M) directed me to the 'Italian Ricotta Cheesecake'. This was a good year or so ago. Since then, the cake has proved diffucult to locate in any are apart from the far-away land M referred to. For someone with no vehcle to travel in, this means a hot train ride, plus an over-crowded bus.

This post is to draw everyone's attention to the fact that the March Hare and Mad Hatter will endeavour to find and consume said cake soon. We welcome you to follow the quest.
Those baking-inclined are welcome to make their own versions and show us, but photos should come complete with detailed descriptions of taste.

Monday, March 23, 2009

A Cup to End All Wars

I'm not a fan of the British colonialists, but I think they instilled an important tradition upon finding out that tea leaves brewed in hot water actually are pretty awesome, that the time out for a cuppa is oh so very special.

The Chinese and Indians were on to something when they brewed the naturally growing leaves as an alternative to water purification -- the Europeans can have their beer, tea has way more antioxidants anyway.

In a very obtuse way this sums up why there is so much to love about tea. Tea was such a coveted substance that people would be rolling in cash for procuring it en masse... lots of stress involved, a bit ironic now that we drink to unwind.

As you can see in the photo, an oldie but a goodie: Irish Breakfast, complete with a tea bag holder on the cup, which is a mad invention MH Esquire approves of muchly.

The Mad Hatter has always advocated in a convoluted manner that drinking tea is good for you... surely this is one way that yours truly can keep their volatile moods and crazy tendencies in check, though rest assured, I am still mad.

This blog shall hereby document the adventures of the Mad Hatter and the March Hare in the realm of all that is edible and drinkable.