Monday, March 23, 2009

A Cup to End All Wars

I'm not a fan of the British colonialists, but I think they instilled an important tradition upon finding out that tea leaves brewed in hot water actually are pretty awesome, that the time out for a cuppa is oh so very special.

The Chinese and Indians were on to something when they brewed the naturally growing leaves as an alternative to water purification -- the Europeans can have their beer, tea has way more antioxidants anyway.

In a very obtuse way this sums up why there is so much to love about tea. Tea was such a coveted substance that people would be rolling in cash for procuring it en masse... lots of stress involved, a bit ironic now that we drink to unwind.

As you can see in the photo, an oldie but a goodie: Irish Breakfast, complete with a tea bag holder on the cup, which is a mad invention MH Esquire approves of muchly.

The Mad Hatter has always advocated in a convoluted manner that drinking tea is good for you... surely this is one way that yours truly can keep their volatile moods and crazy tendencies in check, though rest assured, I am still mad.

This blog shall hereby document the adventures of the Mad Hatter and the March Hare in the realm of all that is edible and drinkable.

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