Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Food you'd sell your right arm for

There are very few things better than a chat over cake and tea. High Tea is no exception.
To ring the end to her green years, the March Hare decided this was the go. And what a good call it was: the food was so gorgeously presented.

Mad Hatter has gone vegetarian... so she indulged in some of this crustini with avocado and tomato. Too bad the little cherry toms were highly juicy, leading to a semi-explosion that was thankfully contained to spraying the plate of yours truly. Perhaps a reason to not bring me to have dinner with the queen. Then again, I doubt it's the only thing that's shot in her eye, the old minx.

Aren't these just ADORABLE?! Oh almost too good to eat. They were teeny as well, which made them even more delightful.

Oh and despite feeling full, one could not pass on these little tarts which truly lived up to their name. Not too sweet or sour, I don't think they could have made it any better! (as you can see, I had already made a mess on my plate -- enjoyed the food way too much!)

Until next time when gluttony takes the better of us, here is the Mad Hatter signing off. xx

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